Colourful, dynamic rental housing

uncomplicated, yet dynamic, 6 storey, rectangular massing

144 West 21st Street

North Vancouver
Status: Rezoning


The Challenge

This animated project will provide 83 units of much needed 100% rental housing contained in a very uncomplicated, yet dynamic, 6 storey, rectangular massing

A butterfly roof caps off the building elegantly
Along the streetscape is an extensive landscaped area
entrance has been celebrated with a large, angular, painted steel canopy

About this Project

The primary feature of the architectural design are three residential stories that have been encapsulated by colourful box like form that appears to float above the very slightly setback first floor. Various disparate residential elements typical of residential uses, such as decks, privacy screens, walls and windows are all organized within the parameters of the colourful facades. In order to slim the building’s massing and reduce shadows cast by the buildings massing, setback fifth and sixth floors have been added that house residential units.

colourful façade feature

These floors have been set well back from the building’s edges and architectural expression has been treated with a more subdued cladding, helping the overall massing remain harmonious with the surrounding context. The setback and subdued treatment further celebrate the colourful façade feature. A butterfly roof caps off the building elegantly and presents a highly sustainable stormwater run off feature as it will be designed as a large bathtub that holds water during high storm events with a two tired drainage system. The primary building entrance has been celebrated with a large, angular, painted steel canopy, providing a sense of entry, wayfinding, and providing shelter from the elements to waiting visitors.

Along the streetscape is an extensive landscaped area that responds well to the neighbouring context, as it steps down, following the slope of the street, providing seating areas and visual interest to the streetscape. This landscaping will become a focal point and hub for local and resident interaction.


Bold design, natural materials


Quality family oriented rental housing